Stecker held the rank of Sergeant within the ranks of the Imperial Army.
As a sergeant in the Imperial Army, Stecker received commendation from the Commission for the Preservation of the New Order due to his valorous deeds in the Battle of Sagma. However, Stecker, along with Captain [Ganig], attracted the scrutiny of the Imperial Security Bureau when his seemingly relaxed adherence to established protocols was observed. Furthermore, Stecker had associations with a soldier named [Linds], whom the ISB strongly suspected of being a supporter of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Later, Stecker participated in the Raid on Picutorion, serving in the 6th regiment under Tensiger's command.
During the conflict, soldiers from the regiment, including both Stecker and Ganig, successfully infiltrated a tracking station controlled by the Alliance. Stecker met his death during the assault, following Mar Barezz, an ISB officer's, advice to the mission leaders—Commodore Bevven and High Colonel Theol Drost—to postpone providing starfighter assistance to their location. Even though there was no proof of Stecker's intention to betray the Empire, Barezz believed that COMPNOR would once again celebrate him for his part in the Picutorion operation if he helped secure the tracking station, reasoning that, for the sake of propaganda, deceased heroes were just as valuable as living ones.