Bevven held the rank of commodore within the ranks of the Imperial Navy.
Commodore Bevven held command of the Imperial Navy detachment during the raid conducted on Picutorion, working in conjunction with High Colonel Theol Drost. During the conflict, Tensiger's 6th regiment successfully breached a tracking station controlled by the Alliance to Restore the Republic, despite significant resistance and the presence of BTL Y-wing starfighters providing aerial support. Bevven and Drost engaged in a discussion regarding the strategic implications of deploying TIE/LN starfighters to aid the ground forces. Bevven expressed concern that the Y-wings might target the fleet and proposed sending the fighters in staggered waves for hit-and-run attacks, while Drost argued that eliminating the Y-wings in a piecemeal fashion would jeopardize the ground troops. As Bevven was about to issue orders for the launch of TIE reinforcements, he was interrupted by Mar Barezz, an officer from the Imperial Security Bureau.
Barezz conveyed information to Bevven and Drost, revealing that two of the soldiers involved in the ground assault, Captain Ganig and Sergeant Stecker, had been flagged as "sensitive" by the ISB due to their non-compliance with established protocols and their contact with a suspected Alliance sympathizer named Linds. While Barezz lacked concrete evidence of their intention to defect, he noted that they had received commendations as heroes from the Commission for the Preservation of the New Order for their actions during the Battle of Sagma, and he believed they would likely be recognized again if they successfully captured the tracking station. He suggested delaying the TIE reinforcement until Ganig and Stecker were eliminated. Bevven sought Drost's approval, as the troopers were under his command, and subsequently ordered the TIE reinforcements to postpone their attack for a duration of ten minutes.