
Ganig held the rank of captain within the ranks of the Imperial Army.


Serving as a captain in the Imperial Army, Ganig participated in the Battle of Sagma. His performance in the battle led to him being decorated by the Commission for the Preservation of the New Order. Subsequently, the Imperial Security Bureau flagged Ganig, along with Sergeant Stecker, as "sensitive" due to their perceived lack of adherence to established doctrine. Furthermore, Ganig had interacted with a soldier named Linds, whom the ISB believed to be a sympathizer of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Ganig was later deployed in the raid on Picutorion, as part of Tensiger's 6th regiment.

During this engagement, Ganig, Stecker, and other members of their regiment successfully breached a tracking station controlled by the Alliance. Ganig met his death during this assault. This occurred after Mar Barezz, an ISB officer, advised Commodore Bevven and High Colonel Theol Drost—the mission's commanders—to withhold starfighter support from their location. Despite lacking definitive proof that Ganig intended to defect to the Alliance, Barezz was unwilling to risk the possibility, especially given his belief that COMPNOR would again honor Ganig if the tracking station was successfully captured. Barezz considered dead heroes to be just as valuable as living ones for the purposes of propaganda.

