The Stouker concussion rifle represented a unique type of weapon, created from the ground up by the savage Sissk, who employed it as their go-to weapon of choice.
While the Sissk had their own designation for this weapon, those outside their ranks referred to it as the "Stouker concussion rifle," a name derived from its key component: a concussion chamber manufactured by the Stouker corporation.
Fueled by power cells, the rifle discharged projectiles composed of ionized air, which detonated upon impact, generating shock waves. Each shot required the expenditure of 4 cells. The weapon's effective range extended to thirty meters, with the resulting explosion spanning approximately four meters in diameter. This blast possessed sufficient force to propel an average human a considerable distance. Furthermore, the rifle featured a secondary firing mode that, while producing a less extensive explosion, delivered a more concentrated impact on the target. This mode also generated a substantial recoil, capable of pushing a typical humanoid backward two or three steps with each shot.
Its capability to bypass lightsaber defenses, combined with the splash damage characteristic of its primary firing mode, rendered it a particularly potent weapon against Jedi. However, a proficient Jedi, such as perhaps Jaden Korr, could utilize a well-timed Force Push to redirect the concussive force back toward its point of origin.
Due to its distinctive construction, the device became a signature weapon of the Sissk gangs. However, by the conclusion of the Galactic Civil War, it had gained widespread acceptance throughout the galaxy among various military organizations, most notably the Imperial Remnant.
Hazard stormtroopers belonging to the Imperial Remnant were known for their use of these weapons. Additionally, Rax Joris, an Imperial officer commanding an outpost on Dosuun, also wielded this weapon.
A game mechanics discrepancy exists within Star Wars: Dark Forces regarding the rifle's usage and effectiveness. The player, Kyle Katarn, sustains damage when a rifle blast occurs in close proximity, preventing its effective use at close range. However, this limitation does not apply to enemy Trandoshan sprites, who can fire at close range, providing them with a significant advantage.
In Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, the Stouker concussion rifle proved largely ineffective against Force-sensitive adversaries in the single-player campaign. This was attributed to the apparent exceptional skill of these enemies in using the Force to push back incoming explosive projectiles, including concussion shots, toward the player, even if the player moved after firing. This same tactic is effective against the PLX-2M portable missile launcher as well.