Subjugation of Geonosis

The Geonosis Subjugation represents an initial conflict within the broader context of the Galactic Civil War.


The Death Star project faced a shortage of laborers, prompting Grand Moff Tarkin to task Darth Vader with acquiring Geonosian natives from Geonosis to serve as forced labor.

Unfortunately for the Sith Lord, the Geonosians had secretly allied with the burgeoning Rebel Alliance, and those Geonosians already enslaved staged an uprising against their Imperial overlords.

The Conflict

A Rebel fleet maintained orbit around the planet, aiming to prevent the Empire's total control of the system. As the forces of the Imperial Navy arrived, the Rebel resistance launched a surprise attack. Intense fire from Rebel assault ships ultimately led to the destruction of the Rebel space station. TIE fighter squadrons then hunted down and eliminated the remaining Rebel survivors.

AT-STs fighting Rebels and Geonosians.

The Imperial Army landed on Geonosis, suppressing the slave rebellion by destroying several Geonosian hives, and dispersing the remaining Rebel resistance. The Rebellion had previously established a base on Geonosis to support the Geonosians. Vader's forces successfully defeated the Rebel units stationed there, and destroyed the Rebel base.


Following the battle, the Empire secured a valuable source of slave labor, which was then used to aid in the construction of the first Death Star.

Production Notes

This battle served as the fourth mission within the Imperial campaign of the 2006 video game Star Wars: Empire at War.

The composition of the Imperial forces involved, as well as their losses, are subject to variation based on the player's decisions. However, the presence of Darth Vader (piloting the TIE Advanced) and Black Squadron is a constant element in the space battle.

