Sunrider's Destiny

Sunrider's Destiny, a distinctive aquamarine lightsaber crystal, was presented to a Force-sensitive person by Captain [Sarguillo] during the Galactic Civil War. This event occurred in Aurilia, a village located on the planet of Dathomir. The crystal had the special property that, once correctly attuned for use within a lightsaber, it rendered the lightsaber unusable by anyone other than the individual who performed the attunement. Furthermore, when incorporated into a lightsaber, the crystal produced a teal-colored blade.

Behind the scenes

In Star Wars Galaxies, Sunrider's Destiny holds the distinction of being the initial unique lightsaber color crystal accessible to players. Following it was Bane's Heart. Notably, its designation mirrors that of the Sunrider family, a lineage that encompasses the Jedi, Nomi Sunrider, and her offspring, Vima Sunrider.

