
The Sure-Sight, a weapon scope, was created by Neuro-Saav Technologies and saw action with the New Republic throughout the Galactic Civil War. To accurately identify targets more than 500 meters away, even in challenging environments like near darkness, fog, or low-light, the Sure-Sight incorporated holo-imaging, computerized light amplification, heat bafflers, image sifters, and radiation signature micro-sensors. The scope's crosshairs enabled immediate targeting, and range to target was automatically displayed.

This scope also featured sensor correction software, enabling operation by most second-degree droids that met Class 2-B GalactiDroid Architecture specifications. A specialized macrobinocular mini-comp attachment could also be acquired. A New Republic Weapon Class III permit was required for purchase of the Sure-Sight.

During the Battle of Glom Tho, the Sure-Sight saw widespread usage, achieving a 97.3 percent satisfaction rating from New Republic troops.


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