Surfeik cruiser

The primary warship of the Vagaari fleet was the Surfeik cruiser.


Alongside standard armaments, the ship's architecture included a pseudograv projector. This projector had the capacity to create a spherical field, adjustable in size to suit the situation. Moreover, the vessel carried projectiles engineered to partially breach a starship's hull before exploding. Its highly adaptable construction allowed it to function in various roles: a main capital ship, a freighter, a planetary assault vessel, or even a starfighter carrier. Military versions of the Surfeik were identifiable by the "living shield" blisters that adorned their exteriors.


Arized engineers originally conceived and built the Surfeik model, marketing it across the Unknown Regions. The Vagaari Empire annihilated the Arized's planet of origin and seized control of their ship blueprints.


  • The Unknown Regions

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