The t'landa Til were a large, four-legged, sapient race that shared a distant ancestry with the Hutts.

These beings were characterized by lengthy, slender tails capable of whipping motions, and four legs, each resembling a trunk and ending in sizable, padded feet. They also possessed a small pair of arms ending in delicate hands, each hand featuring four flexible fingers. Their facial features bore resemblance to those of the Hutts, with the notable addition of a prominent, thick horn situated above their snout. Similar to the Hutts, their necks were short, hunched, and almost nonexistent. Their skin was thick, oily, and leathery, marked by creases, wrinkles, and loose folds. This skin was particularly noticeable beneath the neck, where its looseness often concealed the arms when they were folded across the chest.
The t'landa Til also possessed a dual heart system and a triple stomach configuration. During the mating season, male t'landa Til emitted a sound designed to attract females. This humming vibration was generated by the flow of air over cilia within an inflated pouch located on the male's neck. This vibration stimulated pleasure centers in females. This ability was paired with a low-level empathic ability in males, which they used to project positive emotions towards females. The t'landa Til could also manipulate this pouch to produce sonic and subsonic vibrations with potent effects on other species. On average, a t'landa Til's height ranged from approximately 2 to 2.5 meters.
The t'landa Til originated from the planet Varl, which also served as the original homeworld of the Hutt species. The t'landa Til also inhabited Nal Hutta, the adopted world of the Hutts. They also had a natural resistance to Force based mind control. Despite their familial connection to the Hutts, the t'landa Til did not achieve the same levels of wealth and influence as their relatives. Besadii crime boss Aruk the Hutt employed t'landa Til as fraudulent priests within religious colonies established on Ylesia. These colonies lured "Pilgrims" with the promise of "Exultation" following extended periods of arduous labor in spice production facilities. A young Han Solo served as a pilot for this spice operation, eventually falling in love with and rescuing Pilgrim 921, a slave working there, escaping with Togorians Muuurgh and Mrrov. Schemes by the Desilijic clan led to the poisoning of Aruk and his son Durga Besadii Tai took over. Bria Tharen had by now become a member of the Corellian Resistance, leading the notorious Red Hand Squadron which showed no mercy to slavers, using them as practice to train for fighting Imperials and freeing shipments of slaves. The Corellians allied with other rebels eventually shut down the Besadii spice and slavery operation using the help of Desilijic along with smugglers who they later betrayed, taking all the loot as funding. Following these events, the t'landa Til refused any involvement in a renewed Ylesian operation, leading Durga Besadii Tai to align himself with Black Sun.