Durga Besadii Tai, who styled himself as His Great Obesity, the Lord Durga, was a Hutt who succeeded Aruk as the head of the Besadii kajidic. He once held the position of vigo within the criminal syndicate Black Sun, but following the demise of the Underlord Xizor, he ventured out independently. Driven by ambition, this Hutt devised a scheme to overthrow the New Republic by utilizing a superweapon known as the Darksaber, a smaller-scale version of the Death Star battle station. However, his aspirations were thwarted due to the incompetence of his workforce, the Taurill, and the intervention of General Crix Madine of the New Republic. The Darksaber met its end in destruction, and Durga was killed, bringing an end to his short-lived uprising.
Durga's birth occurred in 105 BBY, but he was unfortunately born with a disfiguring birthmark located near his eye. Given the Hutts' reputation for superstition, his family members urged Aruk to eliminate the child. Aruk, however, predicted that Durga would one day become a significant Hutt. Consequently, he instructed those who were skeptical to cease their objections.
At the age of 100, Durga reached the Hutt age of accountability and began learning the Besadii's business under his father's guidance. Noticing his cousin Kibbick's inability to manage the Ylesian operation, Durga requested to take his place. Aruk, believing Durga was too inexperienced, declined the request and kept Kibbick in charge.

Following Aruk's assassination, Durga sought assistance from Prince Xizor to ensure his succession and identify Aruk's killer. Xizor agreed, but only if Durga surrendered a substantial portion of the Ylesia profits. Driven by desperation, Durga conceded. Xizor had already discovered that Jiliac Desilijic Tiron, the uncle of Jabba Desilijic Tiure and leader of the Desilijic clan, had poisoned Aruk and intentionally hindered Durga's efforts to uncover the truth. Jiliac had acquired a rare poison from the Malkite Poisoners and used Teroenza, the High Priest of the Ylesian enterprise, to administer it to Aruk. Enraged, Durga traveled to the Desilijic palace and challenged Jiliac under the Old Law. In the ensuing battle, Durga killed Jiliac. Durga discovered Teroenza's plan to make Ylesia independent, which included the purchase of a turbolaser and the hiring of additional guards. Durga then requested a mercenary force from Xizor to prevent any disturbances. He also hired Boba Fett to assassinate Teroenza and remove his horn as a trophy. Unfortunately, the Rebel Alliance had already initiated a mission to liberate the Ylesia slaves and shut down the spice factories. The world was devastated, and the enterprise was shut down. Durga was forced to honor his agreement and became one of Xizor's Vigos.
Xizor, aware of Durga's immense ambition, employed Guri to keep him under control. Xizor believed that greed was beneficial, but fear combined with greed was even more effective. The Hutt became a rival of Sprax in the battle for control of the underworld in the Sisar Run, but some of their issues were later addressed through the creation of the To-Sharr Uuta Shipworks front as a collaborative endeavor.
Following the nearly simultaneous deaths of Xizor and Jabba, Durga assumed control of a significant portion of Black Sun's resources. With the underworld thrown into disarray by the deaths of the galaxy's two most powerful crime bosses, Durga managed to displace Desilijic and establish Besadii as the dominant clan on Nal Hutta. He formed an alliance with the self-proclaimed "General" Sulamar to secure Imperial support for the Darksaber superweapon project. Despite Sulamar's belief in his own power and control over the project, Durga was the true mastermind. Unbeknownst to Durga, Sulamar was merely an incompetent Imperial technician. To gather information for his superweapon, Durga raided Jabba's Palace on Tatooine to find out how to infiltrate Imperial databases. He then made formal diplomatic overtures to Coruscant, seeking peace. As a gesture of goodwill, he persuaded his fellow Hutts to lift the bounties on Han Solo and Leia Organa Solo.

During a visit to Coruscant, he brought several dozen Taurill with him. These curious creatures served as a diversion, allowing three of them to escape and locate and steal the plans for the Death Star. Durga initially proposed an alliance and then casually informed the New Republic about the Galactic Empire's intriguing activities.
Leia Organa Solo then decided to return Durga's visit, realizing that the Hutt was up to something, and brought the fleet along under the guise of a "training exercise". Durga made excuses and left for the Darksaber.
The New Republic was fully aware of Durga's plans and dispatched a commando team led by General Crix Madine to sabotage the project, with the fleet providing backup. The team's mission failed, and Madine was personally executed by Durga. Before his death, Madine signaled the New Republic Fleet. He also revealed to Durga that Sulamar was just a technician, and a poor one at that. Ultimately, Durga's downfall was caused not by the New Republic, but by poor construction. The Taurill were used as the builders for the Darksaber but their hive-mind and Durga's cheapness meant that the Darksaber's superlaser wouldn't work. The ship broke apart, and a barrage of asteroids destroyed the superweapon, killing the Hutt.
Bevel Lemelisk, the former Imperial engineer hired by Durga to design and oversee the construction of the Darksaber, wisely fled the ship before its maiden voyage. As he made his way to his private shuttle, he pondered that, despite the Hutts' renowned business acumen as crime lords, Durga had made a critical error in believing he could build a superweapon on a shoestring budget.
In the aftermath of the Darksaber debacle, the Besadii clan's reputation was severely damaged in the eyes of the other Hutt clans, and the Hutt species as a whole became the subject of ridicule throughout the New Republic for their apparent incompetence in anything other than managing criminal organizations.
Two of the three images of Durga in The Official Star Wars Fact File 124 are actually modified images of Jabba the Hutt from Star Wars: Republic: Outlander, altered to include Durga's birthmark.