
Sulamar functioned as an officer of Human descent within the Imperial Army. He was also an associate of Durga Besadii Tai during the development of the Darksaber superweapon. Sulamar falsely presented himself as a General in the Imperial forces.


Sulamar, a male individual, served as a technician for the Galactic Empire. He experienced numerous reassignments due to his perceived lack of skill. At one point, Sulamar found himself stationed on Mendicat, a mining station. However, a programming error on Sulamar's part caused the station to veer off course and plunge into a nearby star. Sulamar narrowly avoided the same fate.

By the year 12 ABY, Sulamar had become an assistant to Durga, the Hutt leader of the Besadii crime syndicate. Identifying himself as "General" Sulamar, he exaggerated his achievements, asserting his involvement in numerous Imperial victories, including the Massacre of Mendicat. The Hutt, without verifying Sulamar's claims through intelligence channels, accepted his statements as truth. With the help of Bevel Lemelisk, an engineer responsible for designing several Imperial superweapons, Durga was in the process of constructing a new superweapon, inspired by the Death Stars, which Lemelisk had also designed. The construction of this weapon, named Darksaber by its architect, was underway just outside the Hoth asteroid field, a region abundant in raw materials in the form of countless asteroids. Durga was particularly drawn to this asteroid field because it was largely ignored, except by smugglers. To conceal the superweapon project from the New Republic, Durga established a cover organization known as the Orko SkyMine Asteroid Processing Corporation.

Lemelisk, Durga, Sulamar, and the Hutt's guards resided on a starship within the asteroid field, where they could monitor the project's progress. The actual construction of the Darksaber was being carried out by the Taurill, a hive mind species that had agreed to work for Durga in exchange for assistance in expanding their presence throughout the galaxy. Despite initial challenges, such as the collision of two Automated Mineral Exploiters intended for locating asteroids rich in necessary materials, construction commenced, and the superweapon began to materialize. Utilizing the Death Star plans that Durga had acquired from the New Republic's Imperial Palace on Coruscant, Lemelisk designed the weapon as a smaller version of the Death Star's superlaser encased in a shell that primarily contained living quarters.

Although Sulamar enjoyed issuing commands, Durga held the true authority and did not view Sulamar as an equal. He frequently rebuked the Human for attempting to give orders, much to Sulamar's annoyance. This perception was further reinforced by Sulamar's limited contribution to the Darksaber Project. He often gave orders in a loud voice, only to have them immediately overridden by Durga. Tasked with finding computer cores for the Darksaber, his supposed connections only yielded a set of outdated and potentially dangerous ones.

When General Crix Madine was captured aboard the Darksaber, he revealed that Sulamar was, in reality, a low-ranking technician who was frequently transferred due to his incompetence. For instance, the "Massacre of Mendicat" occurred because Sulamar incorrectly programmed the orbital coordinates of an Imperial mining station, causing it to fall into the sun. This casts doubt on the veracity of his other "military" accomplishments, although no further details are known about them. It is uncertain whether he ever held any officer's rank. Given the demanding and sometimes harsh standards of the Imperial military, it is unclear how Sulamar managed to avoid being discharged or executed.

When a New Republic fleet arrived to destroy the Darksaber, Sulamar piloted the vessel through the Hoth asteroid belt, but perished when an asteroid struck the vessel.

Personality and traits

Sulamar possessed a pale complexion and gray eyes. He exhibited arrogance, bossiness, and pride, while also displaying signs of cowardice. He wore a meticulously maintained military uniform that was always impeccably clean and polished. However, Bevel Lemelisk privately observed that Sulamar resembled a boy pretending to be a man, implying that his boastfulness was a facade for underlying insecurity.

