The T-77 Experimental Airspeeder represents an atmospheric vehicle created by the New Republic, seeing active service throughout Operation Shadow Hand.
This T-77 airspeeder presented a streamlined design. A rounded engine component was situated at its rear, complemented by a front section that inclined upwards toward the vehicle's back. Two cannon-like structures were visible beneath its front, but their true function, whether weaponry or something else, remained ambiguous. Its capacity allowed for a minimum of two occupants, with the potential for additional passengers, though this was not immediately apparent.
During the concluding stages of the Galactic Civil War, Luke Skywalker and Kam Solusar utilized a T-77 speeder to investigate the remains of Ossus. Their airspeeder originated from the cargo bay of the Jedi Explorer. It is believed to have met its end alongside the Jedi Explorer, destroyed by AT-ATs.