Tala 2

Tala 2 was a Z-95t Headhunter aircraft. This particular model was conceived by Alliance to Restore the Republic strategist Adar Tallon. Like other Z-95t Headhunters, Tala 2 possessed a class 3 hyperdrive. This feature gave Tala 2 the capability to perform independent, long-distance reconnaissance missions.

During the Galactic Civil War, which pitted the Alliance against the Galactic Empire, Tala 2 was a member of Tala Squadron. Lieutenant Blount piloted it as of 4 ABY. Blount, an agent of Alliance Intelligence, served as the wingman for Colonel Airen Cracken, who flew the Z-95t Headhunter known as Tala 1. Their operational assignment was to provide support for Alliance Special Forces commandos under the leadership of Crix Madine, an Alliance general. To track Imperial movements during commando operations, Tala 2 was outfitted with an advanced sensor package.

Behind the scenes

Decipher introduced Tala 2 in 2000 for their Death Star II Limited set of the Star Wars Customizable Card Game.


  • Star Wars Customizable Card Game — Death Star II Limited (First mentioned)

Notes and references
