
title: Tarong

The Tarongs were sizable, intelligent avian beings originating from the sister planets of Iri and Disim, situated within the Epidimi system. Known for their exceptional mimicking abilities, Tarongs were generally affable and gregarious individuals. They possessed a fondness for interstellar voyages, precious stones, and protocol droids.

Biological Traits and Physical Description

It was hypothesized that Tarongs descended from ancient, prehistoric flying reptiles. However, their respective home planets were sparsely populated with reptilian species (excluding diminutive lizards) throughout recorded history. They possessed a pair of wings, four limbs, and elongated tails culminating in a fan-shaped structure. Their anterior limbs featured three-clawed appendages that functioned as agile hands, whereas their more robust posterior limbs, also equipped with three claws, served for perching or seizing and carrying prey. Their impressive wings could span from ten to twenty meters, enabling flight speeds of up to forty kilometers per hour.

Tarong wings consisted of slender, leathery membranes supported by bone, adorned with clusters of feathers on their ventral surfaces. Their bodies were covered in thick, textured skin, exhibiting hues ranging from olive green to reddish-tan to brown, which darkened as they aged. Tarong feathers mirrored the coloration of their skin.

Their feathered heads were characterized by prominent, hooked beaks and deep yellow eyes. Tarong vision was particularly acute, extending into the infrared spectrum and remaining effective even in dimly lit environments. This facilitated their hunting of prey, primarily consisting of small rodents and marsupials. (They exhibited discerning palates and found reptilian flesh unappetizing.) Tarongs possessed exceptional auditory perception but a negligible sense of smell.

They favored tropical and temperate forested habitats. On their native worlds, they predominantly inhabited the towering trees of the equatorial rainforests. While they could endure cooler climates, Tarongs would perish within three hours if subjected to near-freezing temperatures.

Tarongs boasted highly sophisticated linguistic skills and vocal anatomy, rendering them adept mimics. They instinctively engaged in mimicry when interacting with non-Tarongs, swiftly mastering their languages and replicating their vocalizations. Communication was central to Tarong culture: extended dialogues and storytelling formed the cornerstone of their courtship practices and informal governance. Intriguingly, despite their carnivorous nature, they would engage in conversation with their prey for several minutes before consumption, adhering to the principle of never consuming anything capable of verbal response.

Societal Structure and Cultural Practices

Tarongs resided in dwellings constructed within forest canopies, with each family unit occupying a hut sufficiently large to accommodate the entire family, comprising four to ten individuals. Small tribes, consisting of twelve to thirty families, were informally governed by the largest or longest-established family. Neighboring tribes would convene once per season, engaging in meetings that spanned several days as each member provided detailed accounts of their activities and observations. An elder Tarong, or one who had distinguished themselves through exceptional storytelling at a previous gathering, would preside over the meeting. This honor represented the closest approximation to a formal political leadership role within Tarong society. Traditionally, this honor was not bestowed upon the same Tarong for more than two consecutive meetings.

Despite being large carnivores, Tarongs were generally peaceful, extending greetings to strangers and resorting to violence against other sentient beings only in defense of themselves or their kin. Even in such instances, their retaliation typically involved transporting the offender to an inaccessible location and abandoning them there. (However, when applied to non-Tarongs incapable of flight, this could still lead to the opponent's demise.)

Tarongs did not typically adorn themselves with clothing, often finding the practice amusing in other species. Nevertheless, they frequently wore decorative belts, rings, necklaces, and other forms of jewelry. They only donned full suits of clothing when venturing to frigid planets. These heating suits enveloped their entire bodies, save for their beaks, and kept their wings tucked inside.

Historical Context

Iri and Desim were home to nearly identical species when scientists from the Galactic Republic first made contact with their system around 5000 BBY. The near-identical genetic makeup of the inhabitants of Iri and Desim suggested that the population of one of the worlds had been transported from the other in the distant past, but the origin world of the Tarongs was never determined. By the time of the Galactic Civil War, the two species had extensively interbred, effectively merging them into a single hybrid population.

Following initial contact with the Galactic Republic, the two Tarong species were introduced to each other and to galactic civilization. Two dozen Tarongs accompanied the scientists upon their return, with many more following in subsequent centuries. Tarong communities flourished on numerous temperate worlds, and Tarongs frequently persuaded visitors to transport them to explore the galaxy.

Both Iri and Desim featured spaceports, where the Tarongs exchanged their mineral resources for ornaments, gadgets, and other commodities. Jewelry was particularly prized, as were droids. Tarongs exhibited a particular affinity for protocol droids, with every village and many of the larger families possessing at least one. These loquacious droids were highly valued for their ability to engage in extended conversations with their masters. Tarongs treated protocol droids as esteemed guests and family members, maintaining them in optimal condition and adorning them with jewelry. Mining droids were also sought after by some Tarong families, enabling them to extract higher-grade ore and establish regular trading relationships with offworlders.

Apart from the introduction of droids, their lifestyle remained largely unchanged following galactic contact. Although Tarongs who had ventured beyond the Epidimi system occasionally returned, brimming with enthusiasm for the political systems and laws of other species, their attempts to establish formal governance resulted in little more than amusing anecdotes for the next seasonal gatherings.

Upon the rise of the Galactic Empire, the Tarongs observed that Imperial representatives were unfriendly, taciturn, and seemingly cruel. They endeavored to minimize contact with the Empire. Indeed, some Tarong families even forged clandestine trading relationships with representatives of the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the Galactic Civil War. Some Tarongs even departed their homeworlds aboard Rebel vessels, seeking companionship and adventure. These Tarongs proved to be excellent spies, capable of surveying locations from above and accurately relaying overheard conversations. Sk'rirak and her brother K'derek were among these Tarong Rebels. While the Alliance welcomed the assistance of the Tarongs, they remained wary of an Imperial crackdown in the Epidimi system that could devastate the semi-anarchic Tarong society.


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