
The Tchines, alternatively referred to as the Seven Sisters, comprised a collection of seven highly prized statues.


The Tchines consisted of seven identical, thirty-centimeter tall Humanoid statues. Each figurine was carved from a distinctive, durable gray stone. These artifacts were highly sought after by collectors, and during the Galactic Empire's rule, their market value hovered around 40 to 50 million credits.


A talented artisan created the Tchines, but their precise origin remained a mystery to the broader galaxy. Approximately three hundred years before the Galactic Civil War, they were discovered and subsequently traded among the galactic elite, gaining recognition as rare and valuable items. By the time the Galactic Empire was in power, three Tchines were housed on Imperial Center, one resided on the planet Rendili, and another on Corellia. The remaining pair were located on Danteel; one belonged to the financier Veilred Jydor, and the other was part of the collection of the Devaronian noble Lady Carisica Vanq. The gambler Nintellor once possessed a Tchine and risked it, along with half of his collection, in a gambling tournament, but he later managed to reclaim the statue.

During the Galactic Civil War, Veilred Jydor decided to use his Tchine statue as the grand prize for a sabacc tournament held at the High Card Casino on Danteel. The prospect of winning such a rare artifact generated significant interest in the tournament.

