Veilred Jydor

Veilred Jydor, a gambler and financier, ran the High Card Casino located in Danteel City on the planet of Danteel. While the Galactic Civil War raged, Jydor organized a sabacc tournament at his casino, with a precious Tchine statue as the grand prize. Concurrently, Jydor's business manager, Darim Chumu, was secretly devising a scheme to implicate Jydor in the murder of Carisica Vanq, a Devaronian noble. As the sabacc tournament began, Jydor made a flamboyant entrance, displaying the Tchine statue to the contestants. During the game, Zerba Cher'dak, a gambler from the Balosar species, cast doubt on the statue's authenticity, prompting Jydor to present the players with the statue's certificate of authenticity to allay their concerns.

