Darim Chumu functioned as the business manager within the High Card Casino, a gambling establishment situated on the planet of Danteel.
During the era of the Galactic Civil War, Darim Chumu, a male Human, held the position of accountant and business manager at the High Card Casino, which was located on the planet of Danteel. Harboring aspirations of establishing himself as a prominent business figure, Chumu devised a scheme to tarnish the reputations of both Veilred Jydor, the casino's proprietor, and Jydor's Twi'lek competitor, Arvakke. His objective was to manipulate Danteel's legal system to prohibit them from conducting business, thereby paving the way for Chumu to assume control in their absence. As part of his plan, Chumu instructed his guard, Rovi, to murder Jydor's rival, Carisica Vanq, and then frame Jydor for the offense. Simultaneously, he aimed to discredit Arvakke by disclosing to the authorities that the Twi'lek had attempted to manipulate a sabacc tournament taking place at the High Card. After the gambler Lando Calrissian was overheard discussing Carisica Vanq within the casino premises, Chumu dispatched Rovi to escort Calrissian to his private office. Subsequently, Calrissian and the thief Bink Kitik deceived Chumu, leading him to believe they were forgers hired by Vanq to produce counterfeit artworks. This was intended to mislead Chumu into believing that a Tchine statue he had pilfered from Vanq was merely a replica. Growing concerned, Chumu engaged Kitik to authenticate the statue, and she falsely declared it to be a fake. Shortly thereafter, Chumu faced arrest by the Danteel City Police when a camera droid captured his recorded confession implicating him in Vanq's demise.