Tee-Six, an astromech droid, provided his services to the Alliance to Restore the Republic. During a voyage on the transport known as the Spirit of Jedha, Tee-Six experienced a harrowing event when the vessel suffered a malfunction, dropping out of hyperspace and subsequently being targeted by the pirates belonging to the notorious Ohnaka Gang. Beilert Valance, a bounty hunter, was dispatched on a mission to save the imperiled transport; however, he encountered the pirates' aggression himself, leading to his imprisonment under the orders of Commander Hill Purpura, who questioned Valance's true motivations. Blanch Sproull, a skilled mechanic, along with Tee-Six, orchestrated Valance's liberation, enabling him to pilot a partially operational X-wing starfighter in the fight against the pirate threat. Positioned within the astromech socket of the starfighter, Tee-Six stood ready to transmit a message that Valance had loaded. Valance interrupted his assault, flew past the Spirit of Jedha, and exited the fighter to attach himself to the hull of the transport. Tee-Six then took control of the starfighter, successfully jumping to hyperspace.