
The Teltiors were a towering species of humanoids. These beings shared a close ancestral link with the Meris, both originating from the planet of Merisee within the Meris system.

Biological Traits and Physical Attributes

Teltiors displayed skin tones ranging from a light pale-blue to deep shades of blue or even black. A noticeable, underdeveloped tail was present, and their hands possessed three fingers with exceptionally flexible joints, granting them remarkable manual skill. Among male Teltiors, the customary hairstyle involved long ponytails cascading down their backs, whereas females commonly opted for shaved heads for practicality.

Social Structure and Cultural Norms

In contrast to the Meri, the Teltiors demonstrated a stronger inclination to venture beyond their native planet. Many achieved significant prosperity as traders, merchants, agriculturalists, and healers. However, their aptitude for deception and petty theft received less attention.

Certain Teltiors aligned themselves with the Cult of Those Who Redeem, while others became affiliated with the Loag, a clandestine society of assassins.

Galactic Presence of the Telitors

Ceezva, a cunning swindler, successfully bluffed her way into a high-stakes sabacc game with a mere 500 credits. Through her deception, she managed to wrest control of the entire Unnipar system from Archduke Monlo of the Dentamma Nebula.

