Temo Dionisio

Temo Dionisio was a politician of the Human species, a male according to records, and held sympathies for the cause of the Rebel Alliance.


Prior to the significant event known as the Battle of Yavin, Dionisio resided on the desert planet of Tatooine. During this period, an individual named Nima Maas, a young woman secretly working as an Imperial operative, was employed by him.

The Galactic Empire had issued a death warrant for him, and Nima was tasked with carrying out this order. However, Nok Derrick also sought Dionisio, abducting him with the intention of acquiring intelligence regarding the Rebel Alliance, which he intended to trade to the Empire. While Nok was employing torture methods to force the information from him, the bounty hunter known as Greedo unexpectedly entered Derrick's laboratory, eliminating his Gamorrean security detail. Subsequently, he utilized a thermal detonator to liberate Temo, resulting in the destruction of both the laboratory and Nok Derrick.

Following this, Nima arrived and issued a threat to Temo. Greedo attempted to flee the scene, but upon being threatened by Nima, the Rodian responded by killing her, thereby saving Temo's life for a second time.

