Tempest (starship)

The Tempest, a heavily modified battlecruiser, belonged to Mika the Hutt and functioned as the central hub for his illicit operations involving the processing of the spice also called Tempest. To secretly fund the vessel's creation, Mika siphoned off resources from multiple Anjiliac clan properties. While the hull and foundational structure were built in advance to accommodate the processing equipment, Mika couldn't finalize the ship until the Tempest trade grew, not long before Popara the Hutt's passing.

Compared to genuine navy warships, the Tempest was not particularly powerful, but it was still a threat to any smuggler, pirate, or patrol vessel it came across. Mika's ambition was to eventually use it as the flagship of his criminal organization.

This custom battlecruiser had a length of 900 meters. Its estimated value was 40,000,000 credits. The ship needed a crew of 800 individuals and could transport 1,600 passengers, 8,100 metric tons of goods, and enough supplies to last for four years. It featured a primary class 2 hyperdrive system and a secondary class 15 hyperdrive. For defense, it was outfitted with shields, sixteen turbolasers, twenty point-defense laser cannons, eight heavy ion cannons, and twelve tractor beam emitters.

