Popara Anjiliac Diresto

Popara Anjiliac Diresto, a Hutt, possessed a vast financial dominion. His primary residence was a towering structure situated on Nar Shaddaa.


Mander Zuma enters the chambers of Popara Anjiliac Diresto.

The majority of his wealth originated from legitimate commercial endeavors. While he harbored distrust for others, he was considered among the most reliable Hutts. He maintained the belief that lawful enterprises could yield greater riches than illicit activities. He fathered two children, Mika Anjiliac Chiera and Zonnos Anjiliac Priare. Later, he took in Vago Gejalli Thokka, a Hutt from the Gejalli clan, after the Huttlet's original clan was decimated.

Popara had three female Twi'lek slaves who possessed Force-sensitive abilities. These slaves would inform him of the true intentions of those who conducted business with him.

The Imru Ootmian was Popara's Ubrikkian yacht. Additionally, he held ownership of Skydove Freight.

Ultimately, he met his demise at the hands of his younger offspring, Mika, who falsely attributed the act to Zonnos.

Behind the scenes

Given that the Tempest Feud adventure lacks a specified timeframe, and its structure accommodates campaigns set within the Rise of the Empire era, Rebellion era, New Republic era, or New Jedi Order era, Popara's existence could span from 100 BBY to 40 ABY. However, the written adventure cannot occur between 26 ABY and 29 ABY due to its Nar Shaddaa setting. Within the scenario's context, he is "centuries" old and possesses a yacht manufactured during the Rise of the Empire period. At one juncture, Popara plays host to two Twi'lek emissaries hailing from Nirama, the Cularin system crime lord. As of now, Nirama is only known to have been active before the ascent of the New Order.

