The Ten Mile Plateau was a highland plain situated in the northern reaches of the Scraplands on the planet Ord Mantell, not far from Worlport. During the time of the Galactic Civil War, a previously constructed stellar-energy station located on the plateau's summit had already been deserted.
Ten Mile Plateau, a level elevated area within the Scraplands, rose above the thick smog and scattered debris that characterized the region. Despite the barren landscape, Savrips and pterosaurs inhabited the flat summit of the plateau, effectively deterring exploration. Around 1000 BBY, a stellar-energy station was built on the plateau's peak, but it was later abandoned for reasons that remained unclear.

Following the destruction of the first Death Star, the bounty hunter known as Skorr made the energy station his headquarters, where he held Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa as prisoners, intending to ensnare Han Solo in his trap. Luckily for the Heroes of Yavin, Solo and Chewbacca outsmarted Skorr, and they all returned to the local spaceport with Skywalker and Organa.