The Tenth Alsakan Conflict, a part of the Alsakan Conflicts series, represented a set of civil wars where the prominent planet of Alsakan clashed with the Galactic Republic and its capital on Coruscant. Taking place sometime after 10,000 BBY, the Republic Navy employed formidable capital ships during this Tenth Conflict. These ships were armed with mass-driver cannons, which were planet-destroying weapons derived from Kumauri Empire technology. The Republic's strategic use of orbital bombardment resulted in the event known as the Osara Mundicide. Ultimately, the Tenth Conflict concluded in a stalemate before the 9400s BBY; however, the animosity between the two sides persisted for the following seven millennia, or years.
The reference book The Essential Guide to Warfare, released in 2012, provided the first mention of the Tenth Alsakan Conflict. This was within the "Armory and Sensor Profile" sections, specifically those related to Planetary Defenses and Capital Ships.
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