
Termo held the rank of admiral within the Imperial forces during the era of the Galactic Civil War. In 0 ABY, he commanded the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer known as the Liquidator. Following the Death Star's assault on Yavin 4, his ship entered the Yavin system. The Emperor later informed him that the Death Star had been destroyed.

Termo was assigned to lead an attack on Delrakkin City, located on the world of Delrakkin. His plan involved using captured T-65 X-wing starfighters that belonged to the Rebel Alliance to falsely portray the Alliance as a threat to the galaxy, rather than its savior. This plan was thwarted when a Rebel pilot obliterated the task force while flying a Y-wing, which forced the surviving Imperial ships to withdraw. After being captured, Termo personally tried to get information from the pilot, but his command ship was destroyed when the pilot fought through the Liquidator and set it to explode.

Termo and his communications officer managed to survive the explosion by escaping in a pod, but were left stranded in space because the pod was damaged by the Liquidator's destruction.


Termo, a male individual, served as an admiral in the Imperial Navy. He commanded the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer called the Liquidator, which was positioned in the Delrakkin system. In 0 ABY, Termo awaited a transmission from Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin's Death Star; the last report indicated it was en route to the Yavin system to destroy the Alliance to Restore the Republic base on the moon Yavin 4. The admiral received clear orders to remain in the Delrakkin system until Tarkin provided further instructions.

Termo grew anxious when he didn't hear from the Yavin system. He spoke privately with Communications Officer Tix on the Liquidator's bridge. Tix confirmed the lack of communications, and Termo, seeing a storm on Delrakkin below, wondered if atmospheric conditions could have disrupted the transmission. Tix stated that the Star Destroyer's distance from the planet would prevent such interference. Speculating that an unknown fate had befallen Tarkin, Termo instructed Captain Skeezer to report to the Liquidator's forward launch bay and prepare to investigate the events at Yavin.

Skeezer was to take his modified and smaller Carrack-class light cruiser to the Yavin system, determine what happened to the Death Star, and address any issues before returning. Termo informed the captain that they had lost all contact with Tarkin and forbade Skeezer from using hyperspace communications with the Liquidator to avoid Alliance monitoring.

Personality and traits

Termo typically projected confidence, so his hesitation after Tarkin's silence surprised staff like Officer Tix. The admiral disliked officers speaking without permission but concealed his anger with a calm tone. Termo remained calm during crises.

