Tervissis, a world situated in the Outer Rim Territories' Tervissis system, was classified as a planet. This planet served as the original homeworld for two distinct sentient species: the Tervigs and the Bandies. These two groups were engaged in a conflict, with the Tervigs dominating and oppressing the Bandies.
Following the conclusion of the Clone Wars, Tervissis stood against the authority of the New Order, and was considered one of the remaining Separatist holdouts. Around 18 BBY, the Galactic Empire initiated the Listehol Campaign, a military operation directed at former Separatists, pirates, and those involved in slavery. Admiral Wullf Yularen and Captain Bannidge Holt commanded the Imperial forces. Despite Imperial successes elsewhere and repeated assaults on Tervissis, the planet continued to defy Imperial rule. The Empire did not ultimately conquer the world until five years later.