Tetran Cowall was the adversary of Garik "Face" Loran during "Face's" time creating holodramas.

Cowall appeared in High Winds, a show centered on tightrope walkers from Coruscant. As his career progressed, Cowall's roles diminished. Ultimately, he aligned himself with Zsinj, impersonating Baron Soontir Fel. He commanded a fake 181st as part of Zsinj's plan to ensnare Rogue Squadron in a trap. Loran commented that Cowall possessed "no evident acting talent"; however, his impersonation of Fel was so well done that even Wedge Antilles, a close acquaintance of the Baron, was deceived. Following the destruction of his Interceptor during the Battle of Selaggis, Antilles abandoned Cowall on the surface of the moon Selcaron, where it is assumed he was captured by the New Republic soon after.