The Atomic Punk

The now-defunct nightclub known as The Atomic Punk, located on the planet Yukka amidst the capital city's dusty outskirts, served as a Rebel base of operations throughout the Galactic Civil War. During this period, the nightclub's interior was transformed, with sleeping quarters and various pieces of equipment scattered across the floor, and the former D.J.'s booth repurposed into a monitoring station. An engineer was stationed there at all times, diligently observing system communications via a substantial sensor array obtained by the Rebels.

Following information obtained by Rebel Intelligence regarding the unveiling of the D-wing at the Cynestra Space Craft Show, a team of Rebels arrived at the base. They convened with Captain Reeves, who provided them with all of the essential details needed to seize the D-wing prototype.


  • " Operation Phoenix " — Valkyrie 1 (First mentioned) (Unlicensed)
