The Curator

The Curator, a Zabrak male from the Legends continuity, dedicated his life to the collection of droids and other ancient artifacts. Shrouded in secrecy and known only by his chosen title, he amassed an impressive assortment of unique droid components and technical blueprints. The Alliance Commander and Lane Vizla eventually sought him out, hoping for his assistance in the restoration of a Basilisk war droid.


Very little information existed regarding the Zabrak's background or private affairs. Known solely as "The Curator," he gained notoriety throughout the HoloNet due to his extensive droid collection and vast knowledge on the subject. He was known by many reputable collectors, several of whom had sold to him in the past. Beyond droids, he also acquired ancient relics, including a Sith sword, several Vibroswords, and Vibroknives, in addition to models, primarily of droids. He was also known for being rather reclusive, choosing to send proxies to auctions and have private courier companies deliver the items. Despite being a collector who disliked seeing his droids damaged, the Curator utilized antique astromech droids for security purposes, although their effectiveness in this role was questionable.

In 3624 BBY, the Curator obtained the photoreceptor that once belonged to the infamous G0-T0, commonly referred to as the Eye of G0-T0. Motivated by his knowledge of ancient droids and their desire to secure schematics for a Basilisk war droid, the Mandalorian Lane Vizla and the Commander of the Eternal Alliance planned to meet with the Curator, creating a counterfeit Eye. This forgery, however, contained three compressor valves, one more than the original. Disguised as a courier, the Commander discovered the Curator's compound located beneath the Bastal Family Farmhouse on Kessan's Landing, Ord Mantell. Upon identifying the additional compressor valve, the Curator instructed his astromechs to subdue the Commander. However, due to their antiquated nature, they were easily defeated with simple pokes and slaps. Concerned about their potential destruction, the Curator pleaded with the Commander to stop, prompting the latter to inquire about the war droids. The Curator confessed to never having encountered them personally and possessing no information about them, but suggested acquiring the memory core from an HK-24 series assassin droid, notorious for eliminating Basilisk droids during the Mandalorian Wars. One of the few remaining units was held in a high-security cell on Belsavis. The Curator proposed a deal: he would leverage his contacts to assist in obtaining the memory core, provided they left the droid's chassis relatively intact for his collection. The Commander successfully retrieved the core, and the Curator dispatched a trio of specialists to recover the chassis afterward.

The Curator, alongside the HK-24/Astromech hybrid and its original chassis

The Commander eventually returned with an astromech modified with the memory core. The droid had become highly unstable upon realizing it lacked its original functions. Although frustrated by the chassis choice, the Curator agreed to fabricate a restraining bolt for the droid. He asked them to retrieve custom tools he had buried outside while he reinstalled the HK memory core into its chassis in order to modify it and access it's heuristic processor, assuring them that he would not activate the unit and that it was solely for diagnostic purposes. However, the moment he installed the core, the reserve power supply activated, bringing the HK-24 unit back to life. By the time the Commander returned, the Curator was hiding in his panic room as the HK-24 unit attempted to break through and kill him. The Commander managed to subdue the droid with minimal damage, and the Curator created a restraining bolt for the droid and requested they leave. He realized they were planning to repair a Basilisk droid and cautioned them to be careful, given the droids' rarity. The Curator later contacted Vizla, expressing his interest in sponsoring the Basilisk war droid's restoration.

