The following is a record of occurrences from the year 3624 BBY.
- In an effort to destabilize the peace agreement between the Voss and the Gormak, Czerka Interstellar launched an invasion of Voss . [8] [9]
- Port Nowhere was the target of an assault by members of the Hidden Chain . [2]
- Tyrus Brokenblade was taken prisoner on Ord Mantell . [10]
- On Ord Mantell the following individuals perished: Basterosa[12], De'Hesta Bretu[12], Henck[13], Larsi[12], Nolem Coe[10], and Rommi[14].
- Cantis Bralor[2] died onboard Port Nowhere.
- The following died on Voss: Kirba[11], Nil-Uu[11], Rada-Ki[11], Soul Coil[11], Tem-Su[11], and The Curse[11].
- Sovu[1] was killed in Darth Nul's archive.