The Forest Battle

"The Forest Battle", a concert suite derived from the musical score of Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi, was included as an additional track on the soundtrack for the aforementioned film. Although this specific musical arrangement was not utilized within the movie itself, segments of music originating from Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi are presented in a richer, more orchestral style.

The suite commences with a profound, percussive, and resonating interpretation of the Ewok Battle segment from the track titled The Lightsaber/Ewok Battle, which is featured on the soundtrack. It progresses by incorporating excerpts from Parade of the Ewoks and further selections from the Ewok Battle. Nearing its conclusion, a musical passage emerges that also appears within the alternate rendition of the Sail Barge Assault, a bonus track located on the first disc of the same soundtrack, characterized by the use of plucked strings. Beginning at the 2:50 mark, the suite's concluding section bears no resemblance to any music found in the films or their respective soundtracks. The Ewok Battle music gradually intensifies, culminating in the suite's most dramatic moments. This escalation involves ascending brass instrumentations leading to orchestral chord hits, briefly interrupted by whimsical Ewok-themed music for a few seconds, accompanied by resounding drums.

Despite its absence from the films themselves, the initial three seconds of this music are edited and repeated at the beginning of the Seduction TV Spot for Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith. The concluding 41 seconds are incorporated into the trailer for the video game Star Wars: Battlefront, the conclusion of the trailer for Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy, and the theatrical trailer for Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones (under the title Clone War), with the Ewok interruption removed in both instances.

It occupies the twelfth position on the second disc of the soundtrack for Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi.

  • Boston Pops on YouTube (backup link)
