"The Heart of a Jedi", known as "Le Cœur D'Un Jedi" in French and "El corazón de un Jedi" in Spanish, represents a brief narrative crafted by Rebecca L. Schmidt. This tale is featured within the pages of 5-Minute Star Wars Stories, and it presents an adaptation of Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi.
Within "The Heart of a Jedi," a factual inaccuracy emerges: the story erroneously refers to Temple Island by the name Ahch-To. In actuality, Ahch-To is the designation for the entire planet. Furthermore, the story portrays Red Five displaying all four wings undamaged. This contradicts the events depicted in Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi, the very film that serves as partial inspiration for this short story, where one of the wings is shown to be broken.