The Imprisoned One's mind prison

Imprisoned One mind prison The Mind prison A mind prison came into the possession of Lurze Kesh, a Rodian smuggler. He then proceeded to sell it to Motta, a Hutt. Kesh contracted Revan for delivery, giving a single instruction: the box was never to be opened. Kesh didn't elaborate on the consequences of opening it. Revan's curiosity won out over his better judgement, resulting in his entrapment within the prison. In the prior month, two individuals had also been caught, but they had succumbed to madness and vanished into the stark emptiness. Revan encountered the original inhabitant, a Rakatan warrior who was confined for leading an uprising. The warrior, having spent so long there, had lost all memory of his name, but still yearned for freedom. He then challenged Revan to a riddle contest, the only fair game in a world where neither had a physical form. Revan bested the warrior, and was permitted to return to his body. Despite his escape, Revan was unable to reactivate the box, no matter how it functioned.

Following this, Revan continued to Tatooine as planned, delivering the box to Motta at the local swoop track. Motta, amused that Revan had opened the box, shared the history of the device.

Behind the scenes

If the prisoner wins the riddle game against Revan, the game is over. Alternatively, the player can choose to simply deliver the box to Motta the Hutt without opening it, thereby avoiding the dangers contained within.

