"The Long, Bad Day," a comic spanning two pages, originally saw publication in Star Wars Tales 16 and later was included in Star Wars Tales Volume 4. Mike Denning penned the script, Lucas Marangon created the artwork, and Steve Dutro handled the lettering. The story unfolds in 0 BBY.
Following the battle of Yavin, Darth Vader endeavors to get back to the first Death Star piloting his TIE fighter, but the taunting specter of Obi-Wan Kenobi appears before him. Enraged, Vader slams his fist onto the control panel where Kenobi's image has materialized, resulting in the detachment of one of his fighter's wings. Vader once more tries to hit Kenobi's ghost, this time inadvertently launching a torpedo that strikes Grand Moff Tarkin's escape pod. After yet another wing comes off, the Star Destroyer Xamaural rescues Vader, while Kenobi delivers the sarcastic remark, "Sit up straight."