The Official Star Wars Fact File 11

title: The Official Star Wars Fact File 11

The Official Star Wars Fact File number 11, published on March 13, 2002, represents the eleventh installment of The Official Star Wars Fact File. This particular issue was written by Darren Allanson, Andrew Darling, Jim Swallow, Chris Gardner, and Iain Lowson. Original illustrations by Carl Lyons were also included.

Issue Contents

  • Battle of Endor (END 7-10): A meticulously planned trap by the Emperor on the Forest Moon.
  • Yoda (YOD 1-6): A sagacious Jedi Master who held a seat on the Jedi Council.
  • Garindan (GAR 1-4): An enigmatic Kubaz informant lurking in the Mos Eisley streets.
  • Planets of the Inner Rim (PLA 7-8): Planets near the Core, which once marked the boundary of explored space.
  • R3 & R4 Astromech Droids (AST 2-4): Significant droid series commonly employed on various starships.
  • Gungan Weapons (GUN 1-2): The Gungans of Naboo utilized weapons derived from organic technology.
  • Imperial Star Destroyer (STA 3-4): A powerful warship emblematic of the Empire's space dominance.

Production Notes

The Garidan article contains original artwork of Garidan, created by Carl Lyons.
