The one hundred and fortieth installment of The Official Star Wars Fact File series, known as The Official Star Wars Fact File 140, saw its release on September 1, 2004. Andrew Darling, Matthew Harvey, and Iain Lowson are credited as the authors.
- Yuuzhan Vong Incursions (YUU 11-12) The concluding portion of the galactic crisis.
- Skywalker Family Tree (FAM 1-2) A look into the lineage of the galaxy's most well-known dynasty.
- The Hutts (HUT 15-18) A summary of the crime-loving species despised across numerous worlds.
- Kyle Katarn (KAT 5-8) An Imperial recruit who transitioned into a valuable agent for the Rebellion.
- Eeth Koth (KOT 3-4) A Zabrak Jedi Council member characterized by a high threshold for pain.
- Ki-Adi-Mundi (MUN 5-6) An accomplished Jedi who temporarily served as Anakin Skywalker's Master.
- Baron Soontir Fel (FEL 1-2) A skilled fighter pilot who served the Empire, the Rebellion, and later, the New Republic.
- Het Nkik (NKI 1-2) A young Jawa residing on Tatooine.
- Devaron (DEV 1-2) The native planet of the Devaronians, a society where females hold power.
- Surgical Technology (SUR 9-10) Further exploration of the sinister medical practices utilized by the unscrupulous.