The Other (comic story)

"The Other," a comic book story, initially debuted within the pages of Star Wars Tales 16 and subsequently found its way into the compilation Star Wars Tales Volume 4.

Plot summary

When an Imperial plot to assassinate Princess Leia's offspring unfolds, she unsheathes her lightsaber, displaying a frightening level of skill as she overcomes her adversaries. On the verge of delivering the final blow to the last assassin, she is confronted with her own reflection as Darth Vader in the man's armor. Appalled by the sheer force she possesses and how effortlessly she could misuse it, she makes the decision to abandon her training under Luke's guidance, entrust her children to Winter's care on Anoth for their safety, and allow her Jedi talents to diminish.

Behind the scenes

This narrative alludes to "The Princess Leia Diaries," recalling the incident of Leia twice dropping a water balloon onto Grand Moff Tarkin's head.

