The Warren, alternatively referred to as the Imperial Research Facility, functioned as a highly classified Imperial military research installation situated on Dantooine during the era of the Galactic Civil War.
Around the time of 0 ABY, the Warren was under the leadership of Colonel Bors Teraud. Speculation suggests that, under Teraud's direction, a renegade scientist conducted experiments involving genetics, cybernetics, and brain translation. The goal was to engineer a cyborg army devoted to Teraud, with the ultimate ambition of deposing Emperor Palpatine. These same rumors indicate the project's failure occurred when Teraud's scientist incited the cyborgs to turn against him. Upon learning of Teraud's demise, his superiors contracted a spacer to infiltrate the Warren, procure evidence of the experiments, and deliver it to them.
During 1 ABY, Adar Tallon, a Rebel officer, sent an operative to the facility. The mission was to obtain the security override codes for a Corellian corvette that was transporting a captured and highly decorated Alliance pilot.
The Warren made an appearance in Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game from 2003. This video game was developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, before its servers were shut down on December 15, 2011. The Warren was integrated into the game through "Publish 3," which was released on October 8, 2003.