The Theed Courthouse was a structure situated in the city of Theed, located on Naboo. During 32 BBY, it functioned as a meeting location for the Royal Naboo Security Forces amidst the battle to retake the city from the Trade Federation.
The Theed Courthouse was erected in the city of Theed, which served as the capital on the planet of Naboo. In 32 BBY, when the Trade Federation droid army invaded the planet, the battle to reclaim it reached its climax. As the Naboo Resistance and the Royal Naboo Security Forces launched their offensive on the city, the security forces, under the command of Lieutenant Gavyn Sykes, secured the area surrounding the Courthouse. This location was then utilized as a central rendezvous point during the conflict. Lieutenant Sykes, along with his fellow soldiers, engaged the B1-series battle droids and destroyer droids positioned near the courthouse. Their objective was to clear a path for the transport speeder carrying Security Force commandos headed towards the city's main hangar.
The Theed Courthouse is featured in Star Wars: Episode I: Battle for Naboo, a video game released in 2000.