Theed Royal Library

The Royal Library of Theed was a repository of knowledge situated within the urban center of Theed, which functioned as the seat of government for the tranquil world of Naboo. During the Trade Federation's military assault in 32 BBY, it was repurposed as a strategic operations center.


Established in the Naboo capital city of Theed, the Royal Library offered the people of Naboo a sanctuary for learning and enlightenment. In 32 BBY, the Trade Federation's droid forces launched an attack on Naboo. The droids transformed the Royal Library into their war room. Two Jedi Knights, specifically Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi, passed by the library's location as they proceeded to free the Nabooan Queen, Padmé Amidala from her impending transfer to detention facilities. Thanks to their intervention, the Queen was able to leave the planet and circumvent the Federation's naval blockade.

Behind the scenes

The backdrop of the third mission in the 2000 interactive game Star Wars: Episode I Jedi Power Battles features the Theed Royal Library.

