Thetametabuterin, a chemical compound, possessed the characteristic of being virtually undetectable and without any discernible taste. When combined with specific substances and introduced into the Human biological system, thetametabuterin had the potential to induce hallucinogenic experiences.
During the year 3.5 ABY, Xizor, the Prince associated with the Black Sun criminal organization, orchestrated a clandestine plot to eliminate the troublesome Imperial Advisor, Fendrilon Koozar. This assassination was planned to occur at the Manarai establishment, a restaurant located on the planet of Coruscant. As part of this scheme, Tavvar Va'ran, the head culinary expert at Manarai, incorporated a quantity of thetametabuterin into Koozar's dish, specifically the Wroonian flycatcher filet. Furthermore, a unique mold and collafa spice were added to other components of the meal. Subsequently, this particular combination of ingredients triggered an episode of uncontrollable convulsions in Koozar, ultimately leading to his demise when his high-end airspeeder crashed in a fiery burst.
The introduction of thetametabuterin occurred within the narrative of "A Very Special Meal," a concise story featured in the Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook published in 1996. This sourcebook was authored by Peter Schweighofer for West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game.