Tien Tubb

Tien Tubb was a male Sullustan of advanced age. Even with his near blindness, his sense of hearing was remarkably sharp. During 3951 BBY, he worked as a scientist and mechanic on Nar Shaddaa, with the help of IT-31 and TT-32. Despite being underestimated by many, his skill was considerable, as evidenced by his invention of a droid shield capable of being raised and lowered almost endlessly. Meetra Surik requested his assistance to forge a new identification for the Ebon Hawk.

Behind the scenes

His name is sometimes incorrectly written as "Tienn Tubb."

From the cut content of the game, it is revealed that Tien was an old acquaintance of Bao-Dur from their time together in the Mandalorian Wars, where they served in the hangar bays and were members of the 12th Engineering Division under the leadership of the Jedi Exile.

