Tien Wallub

Tien Wallub was a Sullustan male bartender who made his home on Kashyyyk during the era of the Galactic Civil War. Following the Battle of Yavin, Wallub found employment inside a cantina situated within Kachirho. In the year 1 ABY, a Trandoshan called Jessk was discovered to be cheating at sabacc against other patrons, including a friend of the cantina's proprietor. Consequently, the owner took action to resolve the issue, instructing Tien Wallub to issue a bounty for Jessk's capture. This bounty was directed towards Imperial Bounty Officer Stren Colo, which forced the Trandoshan to escape from Kashyyyk. Eventually, Jessk met his end when a bounty hunter shot him down on the desert planet of Tatooine.

Behind the scenes

Tien Wallub made an appearance as a non-player character in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies. This massively multiplayer online roleplaying game was developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts. The game was shut down on December 15, 2011. Tien Wallub was integrated into the game upon the release of the expansion pack titled Rage of the Wookiees, which occurred on May 5, 2005.

