Tolokai functioned as an assistant to Mon Mothma, the Chief of State, who was a Gotal. This occurred in the initial years following the formation of the New Republic.
Beyond his role as an assistant, Tolokai also served as Mon Mothma's personal bodyguard. His unique sensory cones enabled him to identify potential attackers targeting Mothma, which resulted in him gaining substantial trust from the Chief Councilor. Zsinj, a Warlord, selected Tolokai to be involved in Project Funeral. Tolokai's plan was to assassinate Mothma using a vibroblade. Nevertheless, Malan Tugrina, another of Chief Mothma's assistants, intercepted the blade and proceeded to throw himself and Tolokai down a flight of stairs. The fall resulted in Tolokai suffering a broken neck, thus the councilor survived the assassination attempt.