Tomb of Darth Vader

The Tomb of Darth Vader represents a burial site constructed within the Great Temple located on Korriban, the Sith planet. It was intended as the final resting place for the body of Darth Vader.

However, this tomb was never utilized as initially planned. Anakin Skywalker, in his last breaths, rejected the dark side of the Force along with his Darth Vader identity when he eliminated Darth Sidious, thus fulfilling the Chosen One prophecy. Because he died aligned with the light side of the Force, his physical form vanished, becoming one with the Force. Subsequently, his son, Luke Skywalker, performed cremated the empty armor on Endor shortly after these events.

Approximately Seven years later, an age-old Dark Lord of the Sith proposed Darth Vader's unused tomb to the reborn Darth Sidious, whose supply of clone bodies was diminishing quickly. Sidious refused the proposition, as his ambition was to govern the galaxy forever.

