Toom clan

The Toom clan, driven exclusively by financial gain, functioned as a criminal syndicate. Their main base of operations was a subterranean facility situated in the northern wastelands of Dorvalla. Initially, they operated as a rescue organization, utilizing Interdictor Cruisers to save individuals marooned in space, but they quickly transitioned into piracy. Their continued existence depended on corrupting the Dorvalla Space Corps, who consented to overlook their activities provided they stayed out of the Videnda sector.

In the year 33 BBY, Nort Toom held the position of leader within the clan. The group primarily consisted of Weequays and Nikto, alongside smaller contingents of Abyssin, Gamorreans, Aqualish, and Barabels.

Both Lommite Limited and InterGalactic Ore separately contracted the Toom clan to sabotage each other's ore transport vessels. Displaying the audacity to fulfill both agreements, the Toom Clan employed their Interdictor Cruisers to extract the freighters from hyperspace, resulting in a collision of the rival barges above Eriadu.

Lommite Limited and InterGalactic Ore each believed that the clan had betrayed them. Not long after the event above Eriadu, a small unit comprised of soldiers from both corporations launched an assault on the clan's hideout on Riome. The Toom clan proved incapable of defending against the assault and suffered defeat.

