Tor Skirata was the firstborn of Kal Skirata, a Mandalorian mercenary, and Ilippi Skirata, who hailed from Corellia. He was the older brother to both Ijaat and Ruusaan "Ruu" Skirata.
Despite possessing a Mandalorian name ("Tor" translates to "justice"), his upbringing was primarily under his mother's care. He, along with Ijaat, formally rejected their father in accordance with Mandalorian tradition, declaring him "dar'buir".
In 20 BBY, some years later, Tor reached out to his father via comlink. He informed Kal that he had lost touch with Ruusaan, requesting Kal's assistance in locating her. During their exchange, Tor expressed remorse for his and Ijaat's past actions towards Kal.
Following Kal's successful location of his missing daughter, he transmitted an encrypted message to his son, assuring him of Ruu's well-being but indicating a period of absence and lack of communication.