Ilippi Skirata, originally named Ilippi Jiro, was a Human female without Mandalorian heritage. She became the spouse of the Mandalorian warrior Kal Skirata. Their initial encounter occurred in a Corellian nightspot where she was employed as a server. Following their marriage, they resided in a townhouse located on Shuror, where Kal attempted to instruct Ilippi in the skills of constructing rudimentary field shelters and cooking over an open flame.
Because she never embraced the Mandalorian way of life, Ilippi struggled to comprehend her husband's lifestyle and found it difficult to endure his extended deployments on mercenary assignments. Upon Kal's decision to begin instructing their sons in Mandalorian customs, she departed from her husband, taking their offspring–Tor, Ijaat, and Ruusaan–with her. Her death occurred sometime before 19 BBY.