Torgo Tahn

Torgo Tahn, a male Anzat, served as the mentor for Aurra Sing.


On his native planet of Anzat, Torgo instructed individuals in the skills of assassins. Aurra Sing was one of his students, and he developed feelings for her, but she did not reciprocate. After decapitating Anis, the Anzati leader, he severed his connections with the other Anzati, though Anis would not be the last Anzati Torgo killed in his pursuit of Aurra Sing.

In approximately 36 BBY, Torgo devised a complex scheme to finally seize Sing, intending to claim the bounty offered for her capture. Regrettably for Torgo, his carefully laid plan was actually a component of an even more intricate scheme orchestrated by Sing, who intended to collect the bounty the Anzati had placed on him.

