Tortons, characterized by their long legs and red and green coloration, were a type of testudine. Their origins lie on Rori, the moon of Naboo.
On the planet of Talus, there existed a species called the tortur, which bore a striking resemblance to the torton. The primary distinction between these two species was the color of their skin. Despite their generally passive nature, these enormous beings, comparable in size to a Fambaa, were capable of fiercely defending themselves when provoked. Smaller, pygmy versions of the torton also existed.
Hailing from Rori, Tortons reproduced by laying eggs, classifying them as an oviparous species. They were recognized for living a long time.
Torton flesh was edible. The culinary manual Essential Cooking Skills provided instructions on the optimal methods for preparing this meat.
A group of pygmy tortons inhabited a cave on Naboo's moon of Rori during the era of the Galactic Civil War.